Sunday, July 27, 2008

new friends

Gus and Gabi make a new friend at the Daniels house (our neighbors)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

beach time

time for the ride home, get in your seat

beach time

They weren't too keen on going in the water, but once they got their paws wet they didn't mind it as much

beach time

Gus and Gabi get to go for their first ride in the boat on a friday afternoon. We stop at a beach so they can check out the water

first trip to petco

gus and gabi go to petco for the first time. i think there is something they want.

13 weeks old

Gus and Gabi are now 13 weeks old. Gus weighs in at a whopping 23lbs!, and Gabi is 19lbs!. They seem to grow by the minute

Monday, July 7, 2008

Coming home

We weighed the babies this evening. Gus is at a hefty 17 pounds and Gabi is making her way to 13 pounds. While we were on vacation, Gus put on about 4 pounds and she gained about 3. They are growing so fast.

New Toy

Gus and Gabi get a couple of new toys from their grandparents. The lobster is definatly their favorite

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hot days

There is nothing better than digging a hole for yourself to lay in on a hot day.

Uncle Duke and Aunt Daisy

Gus's favorite aunt and uncle join him for a little bit.

Dirty boy

This is why these little guys get baths. They love the dirt way too much!

Bath time

Gabi shakes herself off after a quick bath.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Gabi comes over to say Hi too!!!

Gus and Gabi

Gus and Berkley meet for the first time